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This code driven work presents an ongoing, abstract, cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.



It tells this story through color, line and movement. In 2014, I had an idea to use blockchain technology to create indelible provenance and ownership of digital images of this kind. Quantum was the first ever to be recorded in this way.- Kevin McCoy, 2021

“How to picture the moment of creation. A spark, a seed, a particle. We have narratives that describe it as an interval of days or as a cryptic alphabet that divides the earth from the firma- ment. [Kevin McCoy’s]Quantum takes its place alongside other original icons replacing their aura and gilding with a pulsating luminous heartbeat. To call this a mandala would not be an understatment, since what is a mandala if not an allegory for a universe, its revolutions, breath and winking into being out of nothingness?”
- David Geers, art critic, 2021

©2024 Jennifer and Kevin McCoy

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